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This Month's Sessions
(February 2025, UK times)
- Friday 7th 6-8pm Colin
- Wednesday 12th 6.30-8.30pm Kraig
- Wednesday 19th 7-9pm Ben
- Monday 24th 6-8pm Group session
- Friday 28th 6-8pm James
What You'll Get
Chess Boot Camp is a new social way to improve at chess, with ~10 hours of live group sessions every month run by experienced coaches, you'll be sure to get help that's pitched at YOUR level!
LIVE Group Training
Study chess with a group of other players around your own rating by working through practical examples. This unique approach is social, fun, and a highly effective way to improve through practice!
Full Archive Access
Catch up on training session recordings from all the rating bands in your own time. Already includes over 120 hours of recordings!
Incredible Value!
At only $49 per month for full access, giving you 8-10 hours+ of LIVE training sessions, that's as little as $5 per hour... a fraction of the cost of traditional chess lessons!
Bot Bashing Battles
Taking on chess bots as a team is an awesome way to spot mistakes and improve, as you'll have the support of an experienced coach who can help identify things you might miss in your usual play... and in real time!
Phased Growth Plan
No more wasting time watching titled players calculate at warp speed! Our program gives you the training you need to reach the next level! You'll build mental discipline, tactics, positional play, all the way to the more advanced chess concepts.
1-1 Lessons
For those who would like additional training, you can benefit from discounted one-on-one lessons from our coaches. (You can also learn a lot by catching up on other members' 1-1 lesson recordings.)
What Our Members Say
My confidence has gone way up since working with you guys. Christina is a great coach!
I just want to compliment you guys on how accessible you are. It is tremendously helpful.
Jim â—Ź U.S.A.
I have thoroughly enjoyed CBC Live so far and it has only been 1 month! I think it's good now but can get better and better. And for the price I think you are getting incredible value for money.
I've been attending the Intermediate and Advanced classes and I must say it's something I've been looking forward to during the week, the next session! If you want to study and learn about chess in an interactive live format this is the perfect place to do it.
I hope CBC Live continues to evolve and grow into everything it can be. Thanks and all the best to Kraig, Ben, James & Christina.
Paul â—Ź U.K.
I just wanted to say that I really enjoy this format. I have never paid for chess tutoring before. The small group discussions have been very enlightening and I have learned quite a few things in just the last few weeks.
I don't get to attend all of the live sessions due to my schedule, but I love that I can go back and watch the recording when I have time.
Chad â—Ź U.S.A.
I've been really enjoying the CBC lessons so far, Kraig's advanced lessons have been particularly insightful for me. Unfortunately my diary only allows me to attend every other week currently but the ability to watch back the lessons I've missed, and even the ones I attended to re-visit material, is great.
If someone was planning to try coaching, or wanted to see what it was like, I'd definitely recommend joining. Just the ability to see 3 or 4 different coaching styles and getting a clearer idea of what might help you best is worth the cost.
John â—Ź U.K.
Chess Boot Camp is already paying dividends for me and it's been just a few short weeks that I've been a member. I was able to finally beat a player I was never able to beat before. The feeling was glorious and I give all credit to Chess Boot Camp. I was also able to beat a 1400 bot for the first time as well. The training is really starting to sink in.
There are many live sessions each week and they are recorded so all members can view them when the timing is right.
I can guarantee that anyone who uses Chess Boot Camp will improve if they attend the sessions and do the work.
Thank you Ben for putting this together. It is ingenious!